Christina Chaniotaki
Life is truly marvelous, especially when you chase and achieve your dreams. Along the way, you may encounter a few "bugs," but if you strive, you may overcome them. Just as in life, Software Engineering faces issues. I derive immense satisfaction from resolving real-life challenges, and I'm eager to discover innovative methods for detecting and solving problems in the realm of Software Engineering as well.

Currently, I am a Ph.D. Student in Computer Science at the University of Southern California (USC), supervised by Prof. William G.J. Halfond. I received my bachelor's degree in 2018 from the Department of Management Science and Technology at the Athens University of Economics and Business in Greece. In 2021, I finished a master's degree in Information Systems at the same University. During my studies, I started working in the industry as a Software Engineer. My latest job position was Senior Software Engineer at the European Banking Authority (EBA), located in Paris, France.

My research interests are in the areas of Software Testing, Program Analysis, and Web Services.
Latest updates

August 2024, (Los Anegeles, California).

I started working as a 25% Teaching Assistant for the course CSCI 530: Security Systems.

March 2024, (Los Anegeles, California).

I had my first lecture in the course CSCI 310: Software Engineering about 'Security from Implementation Perspective'

January 2024, (Los Anegeles, California).

I started working as a part-time Teaching Assistant for the course CSCI 310: Software Engineering.

August 2023, (Los Anegeles, California).

I started working as a part-time Teaching Assistant for the course CSCI 530: Security Systems.

August 2023, (Los Anegeles, California).

I moved to Los Angeles to start my Ph.D. studies at USC.

March 2023, (Paris, France).

I started working on European Banking Authority (EBA).

June 2022, (Athens, Greece).

I became a Team Leader - Senior Software Engineer at UBITECH LTD.

December 2021, (Athens, Greece).

I defended my master's thesis.

© 2024 Christina Chaniotaki